Sunday, 21 September 2003

New Yankee Workshop Movie Plans

I realised a couple of hours ago that now that I'm back to working in the office I won't be able to watch the New Yankee Workshop Webcam on Tuesday, the next day that Norm goes into the studio to do his thing.

I was mortified!!

I'd thought about writing something to capture and save the webcam frames before but I didn't bother, it was too much effort. But now it is imperative that I have such a thing. To that I end present WEBCAMCAP - or rather, I don't present it, but I might some day. At the moment its usefulness is a bit limited, in that it can save frames from any webcam as long as it's Norm's. To say it's Jerry-built is to put it mildly. But it seems to work alright, as far as it goes.

So if it manages to work properly on the day I should have a series of frames on Tuesday and, some time soon after that, a time-lapse movie of Norm's exploits in the workshop. Hopefully by Wednesday. I can tell you're all bursting with excitement at the prospect. I know I am. I'm not being sarcastic either, I really am!